Monday 11 November 2013

The Fitting

The fitting went pretty well today, Naomi seemed fairly please that I had made sure to do all the things that she asked, i.e. tack out seam allowances, put a small gather stitch across the head of the sleeve, etc. My biggest mistake was not realising that the top coat had side vents, I'm a little upset that none of the tutors said anything to me since they had all seen it. Some of them even helped me to figure out how to sew them together, I just feel like we don't get enough studio support. With Elizabeth the far off offices we rarely see her, and Glenda is only in for the 3rd years once a week, Naomi is there for the 3rd years once a week, and Eileen's there, if she's not sick, or busy and she does have a lot to do. But it is what it is I suppose, though it's uber frustrating and I could rant for far longer. Any way here are some pictures of my model from the fitting :) 

Yeah, my model was having quite a good time :)

Now for the To do list from the fitting,
-Extend the back panels by 1/2" at the side seams
-Add more fabric 'round calves
Top Coat,
-Redraft the collar
-Add 2" to bottom of coat
-Add 4" to sleeve length
-Lower Pocket
-Add curve to top coat lapel
Drawings to go with my notes 
-Take in as marked at back waist of top coat
-Add more fullness to skirt
-Side vents need to be open at back
Waist Coat,
-Take in at CB as marked 
-Change CF line as marked
-Note: there is also now a mark for where the waist coat should end
-Play with waist coat collar, make slightly smaller with more of a curve down.
Under Shirt,
-Change Neckline as marked 
-Note that cuffs are correct size 
-Talk about collar, button on? Fixed back opening?
-Finish all Seams
So for my undershirt I wanted to make sure that the front layed flat and didn't want to put in a placket with the pin tucks. So I made it open up the back like some of the shirts that we had at my old theatre.   I couldn't believe how worked up the tutors got about it, I felt it was really strange that we're always being told to try new things, be innovative, and that there's "no wrong way" to do things. Yet I felt like all that was thrown to the wind as soon as I tried something that they hadn't necessarily seen before, and then it was mentioned that it wasn't historically accurate but it's a theatre piece and it's supposed to be functional....ugh it was just really frustrating. I want to stand my ground and keep it the way it is, but at the same time if I'm going to be marked down because of it then I'll change it. 

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