Friday 29 November 2013

I just want to be taught...

I have been sooooo frusterted as of late, first I don't feel like the tutors have prepared us for our last year, secondly I feel like we have very little support and then are reprimanded for doing things inncorrectly. It's so disheartening I cane here so eager thinking that I would be taught so much and have so many opportunities and yet I feel like  it's all fallen short. For example when we had our tailoring class it was incredibly fast paced so we never had time to fully learn the skills, take in the process and develop any sort of proficient skill sets, not t mention the fact that there where nearly 30 students to one tutor. When ever this is brought up to the tutors simply relpy with "well in the real work you won't have much time t do things" but they're looking over the fact that in the real world the people doing these thing would have had to train and refine their skills. We're expected to do it in real time, whilst learning new skills, and researching and goodness knows whatever else. I'd also like to touch on the fact that we rarely have any sort of back ground lecture on the time period or subject that we're studying, I understand that we're supposed to learn how to use the Internet and our researching skills but I'd like to point out that so much information out there isn't correct, so now we have miss informed ideas and have learned things incorrectly.

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