Tuesday 5 November 2013

Entry 10- fabric sampling and model

Toile is going well, and I've been able to go out and do basically all of my fabric sampling. I've gone to Brixton market, streatham high street, Goldhawk road, and empee silks located in north (and I mean NORTH) London. I'm pretty happy with the selection I have, I have about 4-5 fabric choices for each garment. Finally got around to taking pictures of my model as well!! Here he is, 
I think he'll make a good hero type figure as he's quite tall (6'4") and rather dashing. Plus he's more than happy to grow out he beard and then trim it into mutton chops like the design, unfortunately his boss won't let him grow out his hair so I'll have to get him a wig. David the designer seems quite please with my choice for my model as well so that's good :) 
The only hard part is that he doesn't go to wimbledon so I'll have to work around he's work schedule and such, but it should be fine. 

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