Wednesday 20 November 2013

Day 'off'

Today was a nice ‘day off’, spent my day working on my sample bodice and researching for my Everyday Lives costume (an aesthetic period dress), as well as having my tutorial with Elizabeth.
Fairly productive with my sample bodice today, put my sleeves together which turned out lovely (insert picture here). I also added a bit more to the front as I am altering it to fit me J I’m quite excited as I have enough fabric left over to make myself a matching pencil skirt, I’m going to try to add a few bits and bobs to make it have a bit of a Victorian feel.
Research included a lot of google searching images, I haven’t been able to find quite what I’d like to do, but it certainly gave me some ideas and got the creative juices flowing. I’m going to be looking into a particular painter by the name of Whistler, Elizabeth said she actually has a book of his paintings called Whistler’s Women so that should be quite helpful.
The tutorial was short and sweet, just a bit of a check in. I let Elizabeth know about my stress towards the tailoring aspect of my costume, and we talked about how I need to be more assertive with tracking Glenda down and asking questions. I’m thinking one of the things that may help me is getting all the information, looking at the ‘big picture’ if you will, so I understand why we do all the little bits and pieces and how they work together to create the final piece. She seemed to like the idea of me doing an Aesthetic Movement dress, and agreed that my final costume should be corseted and structured so that I have a nice well rounded portfolio for the end of the year show. She suggested something from the 17 century, but I’m not to sure about that. I’m thought it would be really neat to do a ‘Gibson Girl’, but we’ll see how Elizabeth feels about that, I would like to do something a bit later, t

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