Monday 11 November 2013

Getting ready for the first fitting

Well I think this is as good as it's going to get before the first fitting. All my seam allowances are tacked out. I have on sleeve sew and ready to be set in the sleeve hole, I've made sure to put a waist band around my trousers as well as make sure they are sewn up the front and open in the back (which is what is done fore males...think about it) cf is tacked out. Temporary cuffs are put on the shirt for measurement purposes. I've left the seams of the undershirt unfinished, just in case it needs to be sized differently, I'm planning on doing flat-felled seams and those would just be an absolute pain to take out if I need to change some stuff around. I've also sewn a piece of ribbon that I may use for stripes onto the waist coat. I have all may fabric samples ready (and they've all been approved by the designer). I've also marked out where all the buttons will go with safety pins, so that they'll be able to have an idea of how things will look.  I also put together my big bag of needed bits and bobs, including,
Saftey Pins (though I found out Naomi prefers standard pins)
Standard Pins (all pins are prepared on a large cushion)
Extra Muslin
Tape Measure
Research Book-in which I book marked all the research that explains my choices for what I did with my costume
Fabric Samples
Original Design
and of course my model :)

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