Tuesday 15 October 2013

Entry 6- Getting our designs!!

Today we got our designs!!! I'm soooo excited! We where given designs from for three different shows to pick from, all operas based in the 18th c. Enlightenment. I was really excited to get my first choice which was Belmonte from Beethoven's Seleglio designed my David Collis especially for our class. Belmonte is the hero out to rescue his beloved Constanze from a Turkish Harem (full synopsis http://www.metoperafamily.org/metopera/history/stories/synopsis.aspx?customid=71)  I'm really excited about it and nervous for the same reasons, it's a really great challenge for me and a chance for me to improve upon my weak points i.e. mens wear, tailoring etc. I also really like the simple lines, and I think that if done well it could be a really sharp costume to have in my portfolio

My model is pictured below. He's quite tall (6' 4") so I feel that he'll really have that heroic feel about him when dress up. He is also able and willing to grow out his hair and have the mutton chop sides burns shown in the design...what a trooper :)

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