Monday 14 October 2013

Entry 5- Dissertation meeting

Just had a general dissertation meeting, nothing to intense, just introducing ourselves and what we're writing about. Really glad that I did the bulk of my research over the summer.
Some ideas for my dissertation

  • The beginnings of Hollywood's influence and/or part in fashion
    • Essay Structure: intro
    • Hollywood's change up
    • the battle between HW and fashion
    • the relationship that came out of it 
    • conclusion
  • Hollywood and fashion: a relationship ever evolving
    • intro
    • the beginning of the relationship
    • the big change that happened between them
    • how it is now
    • conclusion
  • The big bang: Hollywood and fashion collide 
    • intro
    • the beginnings of HW's journey into being fashionable
    • examples of star(s) that helped to make HW fashionable
    • conclusion
remember to keep the subject refined.
next meeting have a 10-15min presentation prepared it should include
  • an overview of what you've found
  • what you are focusing on
  • a map of your journey (?)
  • what you're "stuck" on
  • get a couple of images and quotes involved

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