Friday 11 October 2013

Entry 3- The Enlightenment with Elizabeth

-Our thinking today is very influenced by the movements of this time.
-With scientific knowledge and the notion of reason, questioning things that had previously been thought of as fact.
-Calenders, clocks all more precise
-The common person is now thought of more and people questioned the previous authority
-Secular rational society
-Huge expansion of wealth

Key Themes of the Enlightenment

  • Scientific progress
  • New ideas inspire new values and new story telling 
  • documentation and collecting 
  • leisure and travel 

-Wright of Derby- a philosopher 

Issac Newton- Mathematical principles of natural philosophy 
    Put his ideas forward in such a way, with scientific truth, so as nothing could be disputed...or at least it was harder

Dighton 1784 life and death 

The Lunar society: a group interested in scientific development, engineering, and transportation etc.

Mass production and consumer society 

stubbs 1780 the wedgewood family  
-The cannal system is thought up and moves England and trading forward.


Zoffany (1763) Mrs. Oswald

-The new wealth, who made money from the new world(s), and where the leaders of the fashion elite
(Side note: it's crazy to think that so many people where moving forward with their thinking and wanting to see the world and learn as much as they can philosophically and scientifically. Yet they where able to pay for all of this by enslaving people, stealing land and generally oppressing others)

-New imports

  • China
  • Tea
  • Coffee etc.

- East India Company -Warren Hastings
-The Orient -Turkey
Vanmour (1724) Lady Mary Wertley Montagu
has written diaries about the cultural differences. Lack of stays Turkish bathes etc.
-Other world tastes where immensely popular
-Europeans where also fascinated with other cultures religion
-Seeing other cultures and meeting other types of people made Europeans question, "What is civilized?"
-Free Masons also formed in this era

-Captain Cook, discovers Australia, New Zealand, and South Pacific
Why did they feel they needed to rename everything? New this new that....really? really?
-Animals, plants, and many other unknowns where discovered and brought back
-Joseph Bank-Plant collector

HOARE (1733) Ayuba Suleiman Diallo, was a slave taken to America. His "owner" recognized he was very knowledgeable and brought him to England to show his intelligence. He was eventually freed and reunited with his family.


Thomas Hobbes: writer Philosopher

  • Originated social contract theory 
  • Imagined life without government 
    • what he called "The state of Nature"
  • Interested in the responsibility of government 

John Lock: interested in thinking about the self and the individual

Jean Jacques Rousseau
     "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains"

  • The Social Contract 
  • interested in ideas of natural rights 
  • quest for happiness, where does it exist?
  • Emile- Holistic education interested in child raising 
-Robinson Crusoe 
-Gullivers Travels 
  • The late 17th c. is when we see fairy tales emerge
  • ballad operas now come about as well and look as different classes in society
  • The novel begins to become popular
Pamela by Richardson :Class becomes important, rights that masters have upon their servants. Why certain people are considered "better" than others

Hogarth (1751) Beer Street and Gin Lane 

Satire becomes a large part of British culture 

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