Saturday 11 January 2014

Working on the waistcoat

I've trying to find any information I can that will be helpful in making the waistcoat, from tailoring books in the library, to online sources, to my own and others notes from our tailoring course. The best thing I've found however is just plugging through and doing what seems to look right and be logical.

The lapel is all stitched up now and the waistcoat is starting to come together.

Went ahead and finished the undershirt, officially and completely done...unless I choose to do some breaking down on it.

I'm really excited that the waistcoat is starting to look like a real thing. It's still not quite done yet, but it should be all finished up to the point of needing buttons and button hole by the end of Monday. Which is a relief and quite exciting. I do however, need to decide whether I'll be button holing it myself or taking it to an outside source for button holing. Still debating, I feel like I should do it myself for the practice and practicalness of it, but I'll probably have a chat with our instructor(s) about it and see what we come up with. Honestly, it feels a little bit like cheating going to someone else to get something done on my costume.

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