Tuesday 14 January 2014

Dying my boots

I was so excited to try dying leather for the first time. I Just used Dylon Leather dye that I got off ebay for about £3-4 They suggest that you clean the boots off and use a light stripper on them. I however just made sure that they were clean and then decided to crack on. It was quite neat to see how fast the leather would soak up the dye as I painted on them.   

 The box said that the amount of dye it contained was enough for 2 pairs of shoes or 1 pair of small boots. My boots were not small, they are size 10 1/2 mens cowboy boots. I probably should have used 1 1/2 bottles of dye, but I've decided to carry on with the one and try to darken them and shine them up with some black shoe polish when I get home. 

Since they are supped to look like 17th C. riding boots I've gotten an extra leather flap to put around the top, this will also lengthen them as my model is quite tall. 

Now that I've taken them home and shined them up they look great! They're a nice deep black with a lovely sheen on them, exactly what I wanted and I got to learn something in the process instead of just buying boots on ebay. My total cost for these boots has been ~£21 roughly £15 for the boots (charity shop find) £4 for the Dylon Dye (Ebay) and £2 for the shoe polish (the corner shop down the road). I'm quite please as I could not find real leather boots for that price in the size I need. 

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