Tuesday 3 December 2013

Technical Session with Eileen

Unfortunately I miss one of the sessions with Eileen so I'll have to get notes from one of my classmates.

But here's the week after the one that I missed :)

-when putting lining in tack along shoulder
-sew shoulder seams together and over lock

-running stitch lining to SA at shoulder seam
-bring front lining over shoulder, fold and prick stitch in ditch of shoulder seam
-tack around armhole making sure to catch the lining --perhaps tac in a different colour to keep from confusion

to make pattern for a collar
-measure from cb to front
-measure from top to bottom
-cut out your rectangle  with those measurements
-take a triangle off your front edge the widest part of your triangle should be 1/4" off the front edge. (see picture below)

-cut slits out and spread (see picture--->)
-redraw pattern
-machine 1 cm from neck line to stabilise and keep from stretching
-put layer of tarlton, or canvas (on bias)
-stiffener will be flush to SA
-fold SA over stiffener and herring bone
-slip stitch on to the bodice
-slip stitch lining onto collar

next week sleeves....bum bum bum!

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