Monday 2 December 2013

Dean student forum

Went to the student and dean forum, sent out an e-mail to all my class mates to let them know what was up and here it is...

First sorry for sending this out to everyone, but I know some people aren't on FB and I'll be honest I was just to lazy to go through the contacts sort through everyone. This is the same thing that's on FB so disregard it if you've already seen it there. Again sorry, I'm lazy, blah blah blah :) 

Alrighty, so we had our first student dean forum today and here are some notes from it if anyone is interested.
Technical Support:
I mentioned that it would be great if a technician is out sick for a week or longer that we could either get more tutor time or a temp. in to give us that needed support. The Dean made sure to take a note of that and it is something that he'll be looking into thought he has made it very clear that we would have to find a way of borrowing a technician from another college as we do not have the funds to hire anyone else in.
Online Calendar:
It was mentioned by a few path ways that the online calendar is not getting up dated. The Dean's reply was that since it is a new system they are still trying to find the best ways of doing things and he agreed that there should be another way of communicating until all the bugs are worked out. My suggestion was that we have white boards for our respective studios and courses that the tutors can write any changes on. Now the reason things aren't getting updated, basically to update the calendar the tutors have to send the change to the dean, it then must get approved and the dean then sends it to an outside team who can then make the change. I think I may have forgotten a step, but the point being 1) there are way to many hoops to jump through to get something put on 2) It will take awhile for anything on the calendar to get changed 3) The tutors need to send the info out to get it taken care of (this is the part that seems to not be happening according to the dean). I will be mentioning this at our next costume rep meeting.
Old Tutors Office:
We are going to try and find a better way of utilizing the extra space that is the old tutors office, as it currently seems like wasted space. If you have any suggestions please do pass them along to Jess or me :)
As a campus we are constantly having issues with our IT and internet stuff. Such as internet going in and out, slow internet, and long load up time with the library computers. The Dean knows about this and has been doing all he can to get things sorted, he now has direct contact with the UAL IT team and they're taking their sweet time. The IT team basically came out and had to test all the things that we said we're going on, they have confirmed everything and now things should start getting fixed, the Dean is very admit about this and is doing what he can. 
Moodles complications and strange organization have been noted and will be passed on to the moodle team. At this point there's just not much more we can do. But if you do have any problems that you want me to bring up please don't hesitate to e-mail me (or Jess).
I couldn't believe that almost every other 3rd year course was starting to talk about exhibition space, but they are. It got me thinking have we had a chance to get started on our fundraising yet? or any sort of organization in regards to our exhibition? I feel like it's going to sneak up on us faster than we expect so it'd be awesome if that could be put into motion :) The Dean also mentioned there will be an exhibition committee this year, so more information about that when he passes it along. Also, warning you now it looks like we don't get to choose our space this year that it will instead be assigned to us. 

I think that's about us, if you have any questions, need anything clarified, or would like to bring up anything to mention at the next Dean forum, or at the Costume student rep meeting (which has yet to happen) please let me or Jess know. 

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