Wednesday 12 February 2014

A trip to Sands Films

     Had a great time checking out the picture gallery at Sands Films ( There wasn't quite as many pictures as I had hoped for, but I still was able to get a good amount of pictures, ideas and information. Some of the info I got was about the hat (woot woot!!), such as it is French, as most or all fashionable hats came from France at this time. I found one hat that looks quite similar to mine, it is definitely french, and it's also made out of straw and then partly covered in fabric. That's the most solid info I got, the rest of it is just reference pictures :) 

     It was really great to visit Sands, I haven't been there in months so it was nice to see some of the familiar faces. While I was there I also got to have  peak upstairs and see some really great antique buttons, some of which dated all the way back to the 17th century!!! Most of them where pretty rusted, but you could still see some great details.   


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