Thursday, 22 May 2014

The Collar and cuffs for Lady Meux

After much debate and fiddling about I've finally decided what to do for the collar, I'll be gathering silk organza backed on silk taffeta that has been dagged on one edge and has had lace sewn onto the other. The lace was a bit tricky as I had some that was exactly what I wanted except it was the wrong colour. After much searching I just decided to paint the lace I had with fabric paint to try and make it into more of a pale pink, opposed to the salmon pink that if originally was.

 After the collar was made up I decided it looked to heavy with the taffeta on the bottom edge so I cut it away and it gave it a much lighter feeling over all.
 For the cuffs I have a band of bias binding made out of the duchess satin, and then a cuff of sillk organza, dagger, and knife pleated. I made sure that the knife pleats were going opposite ways on either wrist, I thought it would flow with the body movements better, and be less likely to get caught on anything this way. The cuffs are primarily hand sewn, partially because I was in a lecture when I made them and partially because I like how hand sewing looks. 

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